A New Beginning.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I lost my last three blogs to my memory.
That is to say, I forgot the password to my old id.
And no, it was not my regular gmail id.
It was a different one altogether.
Damn me, I tell you.
So yes, this is my new one.
And yes, I shall blog more frequently now so that I don't forget my password.
Not that I didn't blog frequently before.
Its just that deviantArt came in the way.
(that reminds me....the url is blackhearttintedred.deviantart.com)

I actually wrote a lot of things during my I-don't-remember-how-long hiatus.
So it shall take me quite some time to actually post all of that down.
No, I wont post anything else RIGHT NOW.
I'm just feeling very sleepy.
(It is 1.05 in the afternoon, if you are curious.)
I shall do it sometime later.
So keep checking back, if you want to.

Yes, I am finally in college.
And I have finally managed to shut a lot of people up.
And this also means that I have finally grown up, but no body seems to be agreeing with me on this point.

But the point is that I HAVE come a long way over the last one year.
Mentally, emotionally, spiritually....I have grown.
I am not that stupid whining little teenager anymore.
To think of it, I was actually an idiot a year back.
Damn me, again!

And I shall stop now.
I am bored already.


0 shut-the-hell-ups: