Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i am giving you a dozen of red roses
painted yellow
so that you never know
what lies beneath.

a dozen of red roses,
to tell you that i care
and that i'll always be there
for you.

4 shut-the-hell-ups:

Deboleena said...

First off, your rantblog's called WHISPERS?!

And why can't I comment on any post there?

And I hope this isn't being over-familiar or whatever.

I'm paranoid about going into unfamiliar, and possibly hostile territory :D

:) said...

i did not know that the comment thing is ja tha-ed.

and, well.
on the name, i realise.

Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

yellow roses pwitty though.

whispers. haha. let me go read.

Anwesh said...

Hey, I guess u don't know me.. and maybe u mind commenting me here..
Am Anwesh and just came across ur blog.. i like ur writing style.. really good.. even 'Whispers' is good..

I love your unconventional approach to writing..

Great work.. keep it up!

Keep Smiling :) Keep Rocking \m/